The Z83 seems to ship with a 32bit UEFI. The BIOS are very locked down. You can enter the bios by hitting the DEL key on boot, it seems the ESC key works as well for me.
This will be the first real problem with some distros of linux. I want to keep a 32bit OS. Mostly because this unit only has 2GB of memory. Using a 64bit OS would mean more memory use for the same amount of applications open do to addressing I'm finding. There is some speed gain it seems as well, so it might equal out. I'm going to focus on maybe having the option of either.
Debian supports 32bit UEFI in it's default image and Ubuntu doesn't. You can build a customer boot for it that works for 32bit. Which I did do, but I'm finding after install I'm still back to hacking together the boot now for the installed OS on the EMMC.
Ubuntu seems to only support Legacy BIOS in 32bit OS and 64bit UEFI in 64bit OS.
The BT3 comes with a 64bit UEFI. There is a 64bit BIOS update for the Z83. I'll post both BIOS here to allow you to switch back and forth.
I looked at a few other computers with this same CPU. It seems they have the same AMI Aptio V. Though they seem to have a legacy option. Since we are locked out of the options on the BIOS we can't enable this.
I'm looking into modding the BIOS to unlock these hidden menus. Some branded computers seem to have this same issue and can be unlocked with key pushes. I tried many combinations and I can't find one that works. It looks like modding the bios may be the only way.
A legacy & 64bit UEFI maybe the way to go. The ROM seems to be 8MB so I would think there would be room for all three types though. I'm going to do some more research and see if I can get something working. Also I'm finding a lack of support under Linux for HDMI audio.. looks like a patch can take care of that. WIFI and BT do not work nor does the SD card reader. I believe the key for this could be Advance BIOS settings.
I have my bios flasher ready, because I have a feeling I'm going to brick this board a few times. Wish me luck.
ReplyDeleteDid you manage to boot from a USB disk, or access advanced BIOS options? I am also trying to install Linux on this box, but can't get the box to boot from my USB 3.0 disk.